Thursday 23 February 2012

Frog mating season

sorry about the photo being upsidedown-this bloody blog keeps taking it in that way!!
AS I was walking out the back door last night I almost stood on two frogs who were so enamoured with each other that they refused to move! Yesterday at Jacks pond they were at it hot and heavy, with piles of frogsspawn testament to all that sweaty work.The funny thing is most people have never heard a singing frog, let alone seen a whole pond of them in action. This is because frogs are notoriously shy, as one of the lads approached the pond he was gobsmacked to see the whole place awash with froggie bodies but in a matter of seconds they all vanished! And to the disappointment of everyone else they refused to reappear while we were around.So if you want to see frogs in action for what is a very short mating season go outside this week, find your nearest frog orgy, be very quiet and sneak up on them!

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