Monday 8 October 2012

Jack-King of a feral tunnel

Jack and his enormous tunnel sunflower
Last week as promised I visited Jack and so I can confirm (100%) that tales of his tunnel and garden gone wild have not been exaggerated. But of course while another person might be horrified to take anyone else around, (me and several other people I know) Jack was delighted! and as for his half hearted threats not to take me down the garden because it "was so bad"- I realise now were just attempts to get me even more interested!!! Yes, he is quite cracked.

To balance out the craziness he is undeniably generous too. I left laden down with black hamburg grapes and cherry tomatoes not to mention all the multiple hugs and kisses! And he was of course his usual entertaining self, telling me an outrageous story about eircom, a €5 bill and a hope to be published in Stub's Gazette!
Really, how could you not visit?

One man and his tunnel-spot the look of pride!
Still fruiting, still ripening and still being fed-tomatoes gone feral!

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